C.S. Lewis. All My Road Before Me: The life of the young C.S. Lewis was filled with contemplations quite different from those of the mature Christian apologist and well-known author, and this early diary – begun when Lewis was twenty-three – provides readers an excellent window on his formative world. At the time of these writings, Lewis was a student at Oxford with atheistic convictions. Newly returned from the war, he filled his days with studies, trips to the countryside, friendships, and, most interestingly, a home life with Janie Moore, a woman twenty-six years his senior. Irish-born like Lewis, Mrs. Moore was the mother of a classmate killed in the war, and she, her daughter Maureen, and Lewis lived a frugal life together on the stipend passed along by Lewis’s father – who was unaware of the housekeeping arrangement. As Lewis’s old friend Owen Barfield notes, this diary is a real treasure for those “who feel a special interest not only in his literary legacy but also in the personal being of C.S. Lewis.” For example, this entry from January 1927 gives a haunting glimpse of the inner struggle that led up to Lewis’s conversion two years later: “Was thinking about imagination and intellect and the unholy muddle I am in about them at present: undigested scraps of anthroposophy and psychoanalysis jostling with orthodox idealism over a background of good old Kirkian rationalism. Lord what a mess! And all the time (with me) there’s the danger of falling back into most childish superstitions, or of running into dogmatic materialism to escape them.”
About Gunlap70
Elder, Reader in Theology and Religion. Average Joe; traditional American.
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